In this section is a collection of Nathan's travel photography. Feel free to browse through the pages which are organized mostly by the continenet of origin, with a few expeptions. Comments and feedback would be greatly appreciated.

“To explore the unknown and the familiar, distant and near, and to record in details with the eyes of a child, any beauty, horror, irony, traces of utopia or Hell.” -Dan Eldon
"The young (Black) Panther grunted and muttered his appraisal. "Stupid bastards." Then rather scornfully he said, "I read your book "A Choice of Weapons". After seeing those pigs with their guns aimed at us, would you write the same way now?"
All three men awaited my answer, and never before had I felt so defensive about something I had written. "Brother, I'm riding with you. If they had fired into this car I would have died with you. So don't hand me your horseshit. You've got a forty-five automatic on your lap, and I've got a thirty-five-millimeter camera on mine. And I still think my weapon is more powerful." No reply; silence fell." -Gordon Parks, "A Hungry Heart: A Memoir" (2005)